Eliza Dushku
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This is a page for the hottest of hotties in the world, Eliza Dushku.
Eliza Duskku is more than just a hottie, she's a great actress, like on Buffy and Bring it on. She's not as hot as my girlfriend though.

Eliza looks absolutley gergous in this pic, just like many other pics of her. She doesn't even look sleezy like alot of people do to look hot in pictures.

She looks beautiful, even in this funny color lighting. YEEAAHH.

My friends told me she's wearing a push-up bra here, which doens't matter, because she's still hot.
Bring It On
I think the message here is clear. Don't mess with Eliza or you'll get the finger, which there were several times that happened in that movie.
The New Guy
"Thank you god"-Dizzy
This was a really hot scene in the movie. You lookin at Eliza(whhhppshhh, crazy eyes).
Shiny Gold
She looks really hot in this pic and theres awsome shiny gold in the background. She's so cool.